Old tools. Used car parts. Scraps of metal. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Or in this case, another’s art work. Patrick Amiot and Brigitte Laurent turn landfill into a landmark along the residential street of Sebastopol. Patrick sculpts and Brigitte paints, and their creations are fun and whimsical.

It wasn’t enough to just add art work to the front of their own residence, they have created pieces of metal art for all their neighbours and turned three blocks of their street into an art destination.

We’d been up since 4am – flying and driving on our Jandals and Jet Planes 2021-22 Winter Road Trip. Sebastopol was our destination for day one, so we appreciated the chance to stretch our legs while stimulating our eyeballs with interesting installations. And you all know how much I love my outdoor art!

There were colourful characters, including Batman, Godzilla with handle grips for teeth, the Frog King, a mermaid with scales made out of plates, the Wicked Witch of the West and more.

The twin tornados were running ahead to discover what interesting characters the next front yard held, and they weren’t disappointed in the variety of things to see.

My favourite was the musician, complete with ‘hair’ growing out the top of his head. I wonder how often he needs a haircut?

Mermaid art sculpture

We also saw a few sports themed art works – baseball, soccer and even a surfing dog.

There also seemed to be a lot of farm animal in control of vehicles.

While other vehicles would be a little more creepy to walk past on a dark stormy night…

With the popularity of Star Wars, the kids’ favorite was the Mandalorian themed artwork. Note the toy truck on his antennae.

It was interesting to stop and look deeper at the art and work out what items were used to construct each part of the design. Very, very cool!

Which was your favourite?

We visited the Florence Street Art Walk in December 2021 as part of our Jandals and Jet Planes Winter 2021-22 Road Trip.


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