Our family has celebrated Elf on the Shelf and DINOvember for years – and these seem to be the most popular blogs that my viewers go looking for, especially from September – December each year.

So, I thought I’d put all these blogs in a place where you can easily find them. Let me know if you decide to use any of these ideas in your own EOTS or DINOvember set ups.

You can also see the set up images on Pinterest:


A look back over the years at all our Christmas antics.


Where our dinosaurs come alive every night in November and create mayhem and mischief.

Thank you for reading my craziness!


Thanks for reading my blog. Don’t forget to follow the Jandals and Jet Planes Facebook Page, for more news, articles and images relating to kiwis living in Southern California. I also use the hashtag #kiwisincalifornia on Instagram, if you want to follow the madness there.

And if you want to have each installment delivered to your inbox, feel free to sign up.