WILD and WINDY were definitely the words best used to describe our visit to Bodega Bay. Throw in dark ominous skies and a touch of horror, and that sums up our small detour through this quite little seaside community.

On the outskirts of town, with double rainbows to lighten the mood, we stopped briefly to visit Potter Schoolhouse. This building was made famous by Hitchcock’s 1963 horror movie, The Birds, and is located a few hundred feet from the main road.

The twin tornados were oblivious to the significance of the building, but Hubby (our movie aficionado of the family) was well impressed.

The wind was just about blowing us sideways as we attempted to gracefully exit the rental car at Bodega Bay Trail Head without the door slamming back on us.

The view north from the car held promises of blue skies.

Jackets zipped up tight, we wandered carefully south (around the mud) across the grass to the coastal bluffs, and were rewarded with spectacular views from the top of the jagged cliffs.

Halfway up the hill is a monument to those who forge a living from the sea, and have lost their lives to the waves and tide. The twin tornados played ‘ship’, jumped the puddles and climbed the concrete structures.

At the summit we were greeted with wonderful views.

To the left was the white tipped ocean, while to the right we could see down on to Doran Beach and back to the fishing community of Bodega Bay.

We took the slippery inland path back to the warmth of our car. Brrrrr – certainly woke us up and blew away any ‘car travelling cobwebs’ for the rest of the day.

Bodega Bay was our introduction to the Pacific North West Coastline, but we didn’t realize the scenery would only get more spectacular (and a little wilder) as we drove north.

We visited Bodega Bay in December 2021 as part of our Jandals and Jet Planes Winter 2021-22 Road Trip.


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